"The Flitlit Reading Scheme grew from a series of bilingual stories written in a humorous, lyrical format satisfying Reading Age: 8+︱Interest Age: 7-11"
~Verified Purchaser
We've been following The Flitlits around The Funny Fair for ages. We started our adventure back when they had an app on iOS, almost a decade ago and today, were flying about on their newest fair.
The mastermind educator and author, Eiry Reese Thomas, developed the new Flitlits Reading Scheme. Eiry has been awarded for the inclusive design that meticulously embedded in every educational pursuit. She conjured The Flitlits years ago out of a love of diversity and imagination, and the gang has been a hit ever since.
The Reading Scheme, now available on Amazon, has been a hit since its release at the end of 2023. Parents and educators agree that the series is incredibly beneficial for early learners, sparking diversity, literacy development, creativity, and what it means to be and have real community. If that’s not enough, the entire series fulfills:
• Improves literacy standards
• Tiered instruction offers confident and supported reading book options
• Age-appropriate illustrations support visual learning
• A dyslexia-friendly font employed throughout
• Humorous, easy-read, lyrical text
• Cross-curricular attributes
• Multicultural classroom considerations
• Understanding motivations and decision making
• Personal and social values
• Cognitive, physical, and social interaction
• Diversity and inclusion
• Additional needs considerations
• A detailed map of the setting invites children to visit, discover, and explore
• Stars SOL-FA, SHIFT, AGLOW, and GLEE govern the ethos of the concept
• Pre, during, and after reading
• Questioning, clarifying, summarizing, and predicting
• Problem-solving
• Role-play
• Art and design
• Script creation
• Extension activities
• School and social stage productions
Four books in the series have been made available to download for free on February 19-20, 2024. They are:
Book 2: Meet the Characters-Queeny Squash
Book 4: Meet the Characters-Doctor It
Book 9: Meet the Characters-Scuba Fair
Download them for free by clicking the respective lin, and be sure to chime in on IG and tell us what you think.
Happy Imagireading!
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